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发布时间: 2020-07-20 14:50:49   作者:本站编辑   来源: 本站原创   浏览次数:  
摘要: 俞东进,男,博士,教授,教授级高级工程师,博士生/硕士生导师,IEEE高级会员,中国计算机学会高级会员...



      1)Efficiently detecting structural design pattern instances based on ordered sequences, The Journal of Systems and Software, 142 (2018) 35–56  
      2)Forecasting short-term trac speed based on multiple attributes of adjacent roads, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2018, 下载:authors.elsevier.com/a/1Y5kK3OAb8tDaW
      4)Mining Hidden Interests from Twitter based on Word Similarity and Social Relationship for OLAP,Int'l Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,Oct.-Dec., 2017
      5)Mining collaboration patterns of software development processes based on trace alignment,Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Software and System Process, pp. 15-24, 2017
      7)Detecting Java Code Clones with Multi-granularities Based on Bytecode,2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2017
      9)A comprehensive approach to the recovery of design pattern instances based on sub-patterns and method signatures. The Journal of Systems and Software, 103 (2015) pp.1–16
      10)Towards the identification of cross-cutting concerns: A comprehensive dynamic approach based on execution relations. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. E97D, 5
      11)Materialized View Selection Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm and Its Implementation with Apache Hive, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 8, No. 6 (2015) 1091-1102
      12)Rating prediction using review texts with underlying sentiments,Information Processing Letters,117(2017),10–18
      13)Discovering and Visualizing Underlying Traffic Regions from Vehicle Trajectories with Multi-Features,Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 60(2), 2016 
      14)动态网络环境下基于概率的服务组合的可靠性研究. 计算机集成制造系统, 18(12), pp. 2783-2791, 2012
      15)Mining instances of structural design patterns from class diagrams based on sub-patterns, 13th International Conference on Software Reuse, 7925 LNCS, 2013
      16)Constructing Traceability between Features and Requirements for Software Product Line Engineering, 19th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 2012
      17)From Sub-patterns to Patterns: an Approach to the Detection of Structural Design Pattern Instances by Subgraph Mining and Merging, IEEE 37th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2013
      18)基于执行模式和扇入分析的横切关注点识别, 华中科技大学学报, 40(1), 2012-1
      19)基于模型检测的服务规则路由正确性验证方法. 电子科技大学学报, 43(1), pp. 107-112, 2014
      20)基于混合协同过滤的Web服务QoS预测方法,浙江大学学报工学版,48(11),pp.2039-2045, 2014
      21)Personalized QoS Prediction for Web Services using Latent Factor Models,2014 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing 2014, pp.107-114


       5) 浙江省云计算发展规划研究,浙江省经济和信息化委员会项目      

       Dongjin Yu is currently a professor at Hangzhou Dianzi University and was a visiting scholar of University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and University of Florida (UF). His current research efforts include software architecture, program comprehension, business process management and Big Data. He is especially interested in the novel approaches to constructing large enterprise information systems effectively and efficiently by emerging advanced information technologies. He is the head of Big Data Institute, the director of Institute of Computer Software of Hangzhou Dianzi University, the director of Institute of Cloud and Big Data of Hangdian Smart City Research Center, and was the dean of Excellence of Honors School. He is a member of ACM and IEEE, and a senior member of China Computer Federation (CCF). He is also a member of Technical Committee of Software Engineering CCF (TCSE CCF) and a member of Technical Committee of Service Computing CCF (TCSC CCF).      

       We welcome excellent and self-motivated oversea graduate students, PhD applicants, visiting scholars, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty applicants, in the following research areas: software engineering, big data and cloud computing.If you are interested, please send your detailed resume (with publications, awards, and experiences) that can demonstrates your expertise in PDF in one email to yudj-at-hdu.edu.cn.

      Here is  Prof. Dr. Dongjin Yu's Curriculum Vitae (updated 2015).